Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Love And Marriage-God’s Way

Today's culture is so confusing when it comes down to love and marriage. We look at Hollywood icons and music industry giants and are wowed by their success and money. We say wow, what a beautiful couple. Wow, what beautiful children they have. Wow, look at the power and prestige they have. Then, before we know it, the marriage is over. The children are being shipped back and forth, and new relationships are already being pursued. Before long, a new engagement is announced, a new spouse is found, and a new family begins. I guess my question is-where is the real love? Where is the commitment to stay together? You know, "til death do us part." Where is that sense of sacrificial love? Remember, "for better or worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer?"

In Malachi (Bible) God's prophet notes:
Has not the Lord made them one? In flesh and spirit they are His.
And why one? Because
he was seeking godly offspring. So guard
yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith with
the wife of your
youth. "I hate divorce, " says the Lord God of Israel...

It was God's plan for the man and woman to marry and have a dynamic and fulfilling relationship. From that relationship, God wanted wonderful children who would perpetuate the cycle of love and commitment in their own marriages.

Although God put the first man and woman together (Adam and Eve) we tend to overlook His thoughts on love, marriage, and even intimacy. I believe that you must consult the maker of a thing before you can know how that thing works.

Why is it that our society is experiencing record divorce statistics and broken families? Almost one out of every two marriages will end in divorce if current trends remain consistent. Something is truly wrong with our thinking on love, marriage, and intimacy. I believe that we should go back to the beginning and rediscover the foundational truths that make love and marriage last a lifetime.


Timmy O said...

I enjoy your write up. Very nice and godly

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